Stay in touch with your friends by joining one of our Facebook destinations and connecting on other social media.
- Let’s Make Quilts Facebook Group
- Quilter’s Marketplace (a Facebook group where you can sell quilt-related items)
- Quilting with Janet Wickell (a Facebook page where I share new articles)
- Janet on Twitter
- Janet on Pinterest
- Janet’s Quilting Website at
It’s fun to share our quilting projects in Let’s Make Quilts, a closed Facebook group where only members see posts. That’s where you’ll find the bulk of mystery quilt participation taking place, as quilters share their work. It’s a wonderful drama free group that we monitor closely for spam.
We don’t allow advertising on Let’s Make Quilts. If you have quilt related items to sell (either personally or as a commercial shop) please join Quilter’s Marketplace, an open group where even non-members can see your products.